Helping Business Owners make better decisions

Local knowledge. National connections. Global reach.

Welcome to DFK Gray Perry

Our clients chose and remain with us because of our hands on personal experience in business combined with good communication skills, excellent technical ability and a refreshingly candid business approach. It is a combination skill set developed over the 60 plus years life of DFK Gray Perry. The ups and downs of the South Australian economy during this period have provided the experience and defined our culture.


What our clients say

DFK Gray Perry are fabulous! They are a team of multi-skilled people who listen and understand your business. They can speak to you in plain language, are supportive and really get to know you on a personal level. Michael is great in strategy, Sam too. They gave us the confidence to make big decisions for our business and our family.

Ellen Wundersitz
Managing Director, Spacecraft

It gives us the opportunity for us to record in writing (for you to share with colleagues when it might be useful to do so!) that we appreciate the time you have taken to understand our current requirements, and our goals and objectives, to assess how best we might organise our finances and financial resources to meet those needs, and how professionally you have responded with relevant analysis and a clear, transparent and detailed SOA.

David – Hackney

This is a note to say Thankyou for your advice and guidance with regard to the preparation and submission of my income tax return. With your assistance, an onerous task was made possible. Thank you for your helpful tone and encouragement in telephone conversations.

Thank you Adele!

DFK Gray Perry’s advisory services combine their own financial experience and acumen, with a comprehensive understanding in what we do and what we want to achieve, the meetings assist us to plan, implement and exceed our business goals.

Tom Colyer
Managing Director, APF Cold Storage & Logistics

A relationship with a good financial planner is different because they get to know how you think, what you want to achieve and will work with you to achieve your goals, it is like no other professional relationship and is invaluable to me. Allan is such a financial adviser, and I would recommend him to anyone.

Ray – Maslin Beach

The advice we received from Jim enabled us to set up our own SMSF and to acquire own workshop. It has enabled us to build our super assets in a tax effective manner.

Haynes Signs

Latest News

Articles, insights and news from our team across business development, growth and succession planning.

We are pleased to supply you with the latest edition of Client Alert, which contains information on a number of important taxation developments up to and including 25 November 2024. The next edition will be published in