ATO and the myGov Inbox

Did you know- if you have linked the ATO to your myGov account, the majority of your ATO mail will be sent directly to your myGov Inbox? The types of ATO mail you may receive in your myGov Inbox include:

– Notices of Assessment
– Statements of Accounts
– Confirmation and Reminder notices
– Activity Statements or Instalment Notices

What this means – Tax Agents are unaware of any ATO mail sent to your myGov Inbox as it is sent directly to your inbox bypassing your Tax Agent. Tax Agents are able to view the ATO mail sent to your myGov via the Tax Agent Portal.

As Tax Agents we advise clients to ‘unlink’ the ATO from your myGov account or call 13 28 61 to request to receive ATO mail through the post to your Tax Agents postal address. This then allows mail to be sent to your Tax Agent for checking before being posted to you.

For more detailed information please visit the link below:

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