Never Miss Out on Claiming a Deduction Because of a Lost Receipt

Lost Receipt

With the ATO’s app, my Deductions, which is free, you can capture :-

  • work related expenses,
  • car expenses,
  • travel expenses,
  • work related uniform and laundry,
  • self education expenses,
  • donations and
  • accountancy fees
  • store photos of receipts; and
  • record work related car trips.

Then next year at tax time you can upload your deductions and share it with your accountant to enter it in your tax return.

The myDeduction link has good videos attached to it showing:-

  • how it works,
  • how to add a motor vehicle and manage work related travel,
  • how to claim business related work related expenses; and
  • how to add expenses

using the myDeduction tool.

It has the free ATO app to download for Google play, Apple App Store and Windows store.

When using the myDeduction tool you need to make sure you back it up so it can be stored onto your device.

Refer to the myDeduction link below:


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