sub-contractor initiative

The Works Manager (past client of DFK Gray Perry) for Higgins Adelaide recently organised for Brendon Skates to speak with sub-contract painters working for Higgins during one of their monthly sub-contractor meetings. Brendon spoke about:

  • Business structures e.g. sole proprietorships, partnerships, trusts and companies
  • PSI (personal services income), rules and tests e.g. 80% rule, rectification rule etc.
  • Deductions, e.g. sunscreen, capital deductions, protective clothing etc.

They indicated that they need to ensure they are not telling sub-contractors how to operate, they can however, facilitate a meeting for them that may be of benefit and provide them with greater awareness on how best to set their business up.

The Works Manager said the meeting was a success with Brendon answering a number of questions and the sub-contractors learning a number of new things.

Higgins Newsletter tabled it as a “great initiative”

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