Working Smarter Series with Donna McGeorge

It’s about time we got off the crazy vicious cycle that we’re currently on. That cycle that has us out of control, drowning in overwhelm and at risk of failing at the important things. We need modern time management strategies to work smarter and be more productive.

Global authority on productivity and best-selling author, Donna McGeorge will join us for a 3 part Working Smarter series. Donna believes workplaces are complex, but not hard. More often than not it’s getting the simple things right, consistently, that has the greatest impact.

Wednesday 23 August – 1pm – 2pm AEST

Session 1 – Halve the time and double the impact of your meetings


It’s a crime that people spend all day in back-to-back pointless meetings, and then come home, eat their dinner, to spend the rest of their evening catching up on email and their “real” work. In this session, Donna will share a clear framework that walks you through the entire meeting process, with emphasis on timing and focus, to transform your meetings from painful to purposeful. In this session you will:

– Learn the art and science of conducting short, useful, purposeful meetings

– Follow a clear framework for meeting planning, preparation, and participation

– Assess your meetings’ effectiveness using helpful checkpoints in each chapter

Wednesday 6 September – 1pm – 2pm AEST

Session 2 – Structure your day for success


It’s not WHAT you do, it’s WHEN you do it. Get more done with your day by avoiding common productivity traps.

In this session, Donna draws on research from neuroscience, energy flow and the body’s natural rhythms, to reveal how to divide the workday into 2-hour blocks in line with the level of intensity and impact required. Learn how to:

– Recognise the habits holding you back (and how to rewire them)

– Maximise your first 2 hours and set yourself up for daily success

– Build on your body’s strengths for better performance

– Discover the optimum time of day for new business, meetings, emails, projects and more.

Wednesday 13 September – 1pm – 2pm AEST

Session 3 – Take back time and spend it wisely


It’s about time we overcame overwhelm, took back control and focused on what’s important. It’s not enough any more to do “to do lists” and other traditional time management strategies to run your life. Neuroscience and other breakthroughs have shown that we need to pay more attention to the clock in our bodies, than the clock on the wall. Based on her best-selling productivity series, It’s About Time, Donna brings the best of her knowledge to help people build adaptive capacity into their lives. You’ll learn:

– Why we have been led up a garden path when it comes to productivity (and how to get it right)

– The 4 Types of Space we need to focus on to create capacity and how to leverage each

– Strategies to develop a savings plan to take back time and spend it wisely


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