September 2022 Client Alert

We are pleased to supply you with the latest edition of Client Alert, which contains information on a number of important taxation developments up to and including 19 August 2022.

  • Beware of payment redirection scams – ASIC has warned small and micro businesses to be alert for payment redirection scams, which have caused some of the highest losses to businesses in 2021.
  • Tax time focus on rental properties – Rental property income and deduction mistakes continue to be one of the main focus areas for the ATO this tax time.
  • SMSF COVID-19 relief measures have now ceased – The measures covered residency requirements, rental reductions and waivers, rental deferrals, in-house assets, loan repayments, limit recourse borrowing arrangements, and related party transactions.
  • Thinking of ditching your SMSF? – Whatever your age, if recent market conditions, cost or the amount of administration involved are getting to be too much and you would like to wind up the SMSF, there are several steps involved.

Click here to download our September Client Alert.

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